This week was crazy because of all the wind and the power outages. We were
able to do lots of service for people and help them to get things back in order
after the storm. It was sure a crazy storm! I will attach some pictures of the
aftermath. :) I love doing service and knowing that we helped someone!!
On Friday night we had a Harvest Festival for the 3rd ward and it was
really fun. None of our investigators came, but some of the members that are
less-active came. It was great to see everyone there. Our entertainment was
provided by the bishopric who did a rendition of "Rindercella" where they told
the story of Cinderella in back-talk while the rest of them acted it out. It was
HILARIOUS. Everyone was dying of laughter.
After the ward activity, we went on exchanges with Sister Heaton and Sister
Alder. I went to Buckley with Sister Heaton and I loved it! Sister Heaton
trained one of my MTC companions, Sister Simmons and she also served in Renton
so I knew her pretty well before the exchange. She gave me lots of great advice
and I learned a lot from her. She goes home in January and Sister Alder goes
home in December. It's so weird to see all of the sisters that I know going
home. It's unreal to me that I have been a full-time missionary for 11 months
now. Mom, whoever told you that time is a rocket, is correct. I feel like time
is just flying by and I can't do anything to slow it down! :P As I look back on
these past 11 months, I am filled with love for my Savior and my Heavenly
Father. It hasn't been easy and at times, it has been harder than anything I
have ever done. BUT, I can honestly say that I have come to love every second of
this mission. On my exchange with Sister Heaton she asked me if I would consider
my mission to be successful thus far. I have only had 1 baptism on my mission
and to some people, that would be a failure. However, I can say that I am
pleased with how my mission has gone. I am pleased with the efforts I have made
and with the experiences I have had. Baptisms do NOT equal success. Invitations,
I love this work and I have a stronger testimony of my Savior than I ever
have. I have felt Him near me more than I have before. I KNOW He suffered and
died and ROSE AGAIN for ME. I will forever be indebted to Him. I know my
Heavenly Father lives and loves me. And I know that the Atonement covers all. I
know these things because I have prayed about them and received an answer from
Heavenly Father. I know these things because I have felt them. I invite you all
to do the same! In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Sister Keele