Thursday, October 16, 2014

Pony Party

Hello all!!! Things here in Enumclaw have been great! The first interesting part of my week was that I ended up in Urgent Care most of the day on Wednesday. My ear started hurting on Monday and progressively got worse. I called our mission nurse Wednesday afternoon wondering what to do for an ear infection. She said that I needed to go see a doctor and to go to Urgent Care. So that's what we did. We drove to Auburn and could only find the ER and finally went in and asked for directions. We had turned like 2 blocks early and got lost at the ER! To make a long story short, I have Psoriasis in my ear and the lymph-nods in front and behind my ear were inflamed and so it felt like I had a really bad ear infection. The doctor gave me some cortizone drops to put in my ear and some antibiotics to make sure I didn't develop an infection. I didn't even know it was possible to get Psoriasis in your ear! I guess you learn something new every day, right? :)
Then on Saturday we got to go help one of the members in one of our wards do a pony party! I've decided that I'm moving in with her after my mission. She has no say! :) LOL! But I have actually decided that I'm bringing the family to her farm to visit! You all would love it!! :)
Saturday was also Stake Conference! It was so good! The Sunday session was great as well! 
We had interviews with President and Sister Eaton this week and it was great, as usual!! I love getting advice from them and being able to talk with them about the area! They are amazing people!!
On Saturday night on our way to conference, it started DUMPING rain so hard that I couldn't see out the window. I had to drive so slowly and it made us incredibly late! But we also got to see lightning on the way! It was so amazing! 
I learned a lot this week about prayer. I have realized that prayer really is a two-way communication. It isn't just me kneeling down and talking to Heavenly Father. It is me coming to His feet and talking WITH Him. I have kept a journal and pen open and out and ready to write down the things He tells me during our talks. What a difference it makes when we realize the true power of prayer! I invite you all to study about prayer this week and do something that increases the power and strength of your prayers! I know that Heavenly Father is ready to bless us, we just need to open ourselves up to those blessings!
I love you all! Have a great week!
Sister Keele

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